Quiz- hledání na internetu:
What is the name of this bird? 1. jak se jmenuje tento pták?
A, skřivan stěhovavý
B, čirůvka červená
C, drozd stěhovavý
2. Popiš cestu z Karlova mostu v Praze k orloji na Staroměstském náměstí? / názvy ulic, kudy půjdeš/ How can you go to The Astronomical clock?
3. Who was / byl/ Karol Wojtyla ?
When was he born ? When did he die? / narozen? Zemřel? /
4. What is Pong ?
5. Describe the CREST / znak/ of Liberec in English?
1.drozd stěhovavý
2.I go to Karlova,Jilská and Malé náměstí.
3.He was Jan Pavel II.
4.Pong is a computer game.
5.On the crest there is a yellow lion,wheel and red castle.
1) Drozd stěhovavý
2) Go to Staroměstský orloj:Karlova,Jilská,Malé Náměstí.
3) Karol Wojtyla he was a pope
He was born in Waldovice. 18.5.1920
He died in Vatikán. 2.4.2005
4) Pong is a video game from 1972.
5) The crest of Liberec has a red castle with a lion.
1.drozd stěhovavý
2.Karlův most, Karlova, Karlova, Malé nám., Orloj
3.He was born on 18th May 1920 and died 2nd April 2005.
4.Is the first computer game in the world.
5.In a silver shield between the two red towers red fortification wall with battlements, breaking the gate. The gate is open to the public gold silver hinges and half running gold bars, finished with silver spokes. Each tower has a open gate above the loopholes and elongated, cross-cut window, it concludes with a pointed roof red battlements, the golden finial and transport flowing blue flag. On the wall above the gate hangs a blue shield with silver around (genus character Redern), the battlements is straddled between the towers crowned gold lion with red tongue
1.drozd stěhovavý
2.I go to Karlova>Malé Náměstí>Stará Radnice>Staroměstské Náměstí
3.He was Jan Pavel II.
4.Tennis PC Game from 1972
5.Lions and Triangle and Castle
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